Saturday, May 24, 2008

Take Some Time

If I had time
I'd watch the sun
Wake with the dawn
And go back to sleep
Where it began

If I had time
I'd take it in
I'd see the stars
Sparkle like crystal
And twitter to daybreak

I must make time
To live my life
To live for Him
And smell the flowers
Because He made them.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I will love more
I wont keep score
I will aid the poor
He will open the door.

We will give life
He will end strife
They will bend the knife
They will protect the wife

Read our moving lips
The tide turning tips
It falls, generation slips
To Him the true hand grips

And the body in which that hand is connected, lives.

Monday, May 5, 2008

End of the Foolishness

I had an epiphany. At least I think I did...or I just remembered something that had been forgotten. I was sitting here at the computer, minding my own business, reading some blogs, ya know, the usual, and it hit me. What hit me, you ask? Did the over usage of commas hit you? No. Did redundancy hit you? Not quite. Ill tell you, but i must start by giving you some doo do doo(music from Twilight Zone)...
I, Landon Shuman, as you can see from my blog, love the literary arts. I love poetry and prose with equal amounts of intesity. I would say that I have a passion for it. To prove this, I am currently reading "Going After Cacciato" by Tim O'Brien. And it's not for school, it's because I want to. And because Tim O'Brien is the most incredible writer from the Vietnam War era.
Anywho, I also, for some time now, have been pondering on a subject matter for a novel. Yes, I want to write a novel. And here comes the problem.
Also for some time now I have not had Father on the forefront of my mind. Oh, he's definitely in there, it's I've been a positively horrific mess in my order of priorities. To put it simply, I am selfish, judgemental, and critical. And I also have been putting myself first, which, as we all know, and as I have recently been reminded, is a bum deal.
So, the connection of my novel with my distance from Father is clear. I have been thinking of writing things like how the rich are just as devilish and nasty as the poor except they are better at it because they can hide behind their money or the story of a man whose life is a distraught INCOMPLETE mess and no one knows it. A sort of Great Gatsby, but not really.
So the statement that finally came into my silly little mind just now was this: (our Father speaking) You, for one, are not connecting with Me. You know, you can include me on this. I am the Author of Life after all. It makes sense to, really. And two, you need not be incomplete. Or even feel that way. People's feelings come out in their thoughts, and for writers, in their written words. So now it's time to remember Me. I am in you and you know it, just put Me first for crying out loud. It's not so hard, or bad, and it won't cramp your style. You can even write about the sorts of things you want to, just include me, ok? This world was made so that you could do what you are attempting to do, so just invite Me, ok? I can help you out and you will be filled too so you get a bonus package along with My Presence. You need Me. So just have Me. Agreed?

Of course I agree. I have been so silly. Maybe even foolish. I could go on and on now, but i really think the most appropriate thing to do right now would be to pray.

I agree. I am so simple. Thank you for being our holy and merciful God. The one who knows our inmost being. The Ruler of His Children. The Author. The Maker. Thank you for revelation. Thank you for epiphany, its really a useful thing. Thank you also for granting us with passions and loves. I pray that we share those things with others and not keep them to ourselves. Thank you for being relevant and helpful, even when you don't have to be. You could be doing anything but you desire to stand with us. You are unbelievable, but i believe in You. Thank you, God. Thank you, our inconcievable Father.
It's in your fully human and fully divine Son we pray,