Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A photo of photos
A blinking shudder
Would make anyone shudder

A shot in the dark
A hit or a miss
Its a home that we miss

A long ride back
A dive and a ditch
A memory we would ditch

A slob in a house
On the couch, doesn't move
Solid hearts won't move

Sunday, June 1, 2008

I was wrong today. I was not Christ-like. Let me tell you what happened.

I work at a swell company called National/Alamo Rent-a-Car. They have been good to me so far and have not put too much stress on me, which is good. I do, however, have to work the late shift until 12 on the weekends. What I do for the company is simple; i wash the cars that are brought in after the customer has finished using the vehicle. This is a simple yet time consuming job. (and you should see all of the nastyness that people leaving in those cars...its horrifying sometimes)

Tonight was just like any other night except we had an excess of cars on the lot that needed to be cleaned because of this festival thing that the company had on Friday. this is where the trouble started. The morning shift guys (bunch of bums if you ask me) decided that many of them wouldn't complete their 40 cars (our quota). so in the end we were left with 38 extra cars and one guy to do them, that one guy being me. So, the MOD (manager on duty), james, started to wash cars too. By 1130 i had completed my 40 cars (30 min early you morning shift slobs!) and needed that 30 extra minutes to close up but ole james was determined to finish the cars. "We must close clean!" he said with a downcast yet dignified look on his face. so long story short, I left him there with about 20 cars to clean at 12 o clock a.m. What is wrong with me? I should have stayed and helped him finish! He is probably still working out there and im sitting here in bed typing! I am so selfish. I didn't even think about him. All i was thinking about was myself. Hopefully I can earn my respect from him again somehow. Poor fellow.

Oh, and I took a hot pocket from the fridge that wasn't mine. And a Dr. Pepper. And a couple burritos. And someone else's water. Not at the same time, mind you...but over time I've done these things. and I owe Sam a dollar.

I am a sinner. In seriousness, my heart has moved from your presence. I have missed you and I pray that you have missed me too. Please forgive my sinful existence. I dont deserve your love and mercy.
Please be with Robbie as he is overseas fighting others. Keep him safe. Be with all of my missionary friends and all of the missionaries in our world. Including those who belong where they started. So i guess i pray for all true Christians then. Be with our body. I pray that it sticks together and never falls apart.
YOu are great and glorious my Lord and I magnify your name with all of my heart for as long as I live, whether in valley or mountain top. Whether in the desert or in the oasis. You are our God and we praise you in wheatever state we are in. We love you. Thank youf or your son dying for us. We never will deserve that blessing and honor. In Your Son's Name,