Thursday, December 6, 2007

It Was Broken When I Bought It

A Mistake, that's for sure
And my eyes still love it
Cracked and Impure
But I'm not above it
Though it is destroyed and will destroy even more
I buy and i buy opening my festering sore.

Deep in my Skin
Yet I hold on to it tightly
Will I ever win?
Or will i just take it lightly?
A fact I will fail, or a victory waiting?
One or the latter, thin ice I am skating.

My heart, it will sigh
But I know You are healing
Though I buy and i buy
You will change how Im feeling
By buying it back, with a refund as well
He tears from my soul what once brought me closer to hell.

Thank You Father.

1 comment:

Life in the Herman House said...

Wow Landon, that was awesome! I just came by your blog after reading Courtney's... I have to say I'm impressed! ;)

Have a blessed Christmas!! Hope to see you in Artesia!!
