Tuesday, April 6, 2010


So I haven't been here in a while. And possibly that means I have been too busy doing more important things. Like living life. I don't think anyone really reads this blog unless I tell people I have written in it so I'm possibly relaying all of this therapeutically more than anything.

A recap of my family's and my life since January:

An earthquake in Haiti...Fear, Anxiety, Stress, Sadness
A new Child, Amanda...Sudden Change resulting in Stress, Adaptation
Courtney w/ Pneumonia-Fear, Stress, Panic
Courtney's Thyroid Removal-Stress, Fear, Uncertainty

I suppose that is a lot to go through in one month. But I am so thankful for God. It is because of him we can say "Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the LORD will be my light" Micah 6:8

As a side note, I deleted Facebook today. My wife Courtney did the same thing last week and inspired me to do the same. It's strange what we feel strange about sometimes. Even though I was hardly on that site, I felt some odd hesitation about it. LIke I was losing something. I suppose that is a small taste of what the rich ruler might have felt if he would have given away his riches. Some odd remorse even though he would surely know his actions were based on sound principles.

Anyhow, until next time, whenever that will be.


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