Sunday, August 26, 2007

Space Between the End and the Beginning

Away, Away
Fire on the end with blazing gun.
Faster, Quickly
Reach for the beginning, bright like the sun.
Chase. Catch
Finish this race, this race you continue to run.
Clean, Fresh
The end won't destroy, you are more than done.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Here Now

This time of life is different. I feel strange. Here is what it is. I am very, very unexcited about being where I am. There are things that im excited about...but the overall feeling is not that great. its not bad...i just dont like where I am. Strangely, God has sent me to be here for this time of my life. I pray that i meet the people He wants me to be light to. The people who will reach into my life and me into theirs. I pray that life moves in the direction that is most benificial for the capital K Kingdom of God. I pray that He uses me to shake things up here. Rattle the cages, ya know? Break down barriers...even barriers that the believers here have put up. And then in turn...others break down some of my barriers...whatever they are. Pray. Prayer will create the tidal wave that is God's movement on our our workplaces...our own M fields. lets do it together. Great things are happening and will happen soon in His name. rock on.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Continue now, O heart of mine, home is sure to come.
Your longing for a resting place gives you the urge to run.

Follow now, O heart that longs, the pathway set before you.
Do not look fast from left to right, forward motion makes us new...and new.

You aren't home yet, O heart that mourns, but the seconds are ticking by.
Be light, be nimble, be pressing on, keep moving and you will not die.

But remember...

Movement is not a busy thing to keep one's heart from ceasing.
Movement is a condition to keep His love always increasing.

So welcome to your resting place, O heart that presses on.
His love is where you can rest your head until your days are gone.

Monday, August 13, 2007


Remembering walking down that stone-paved street next to the old church takes my breath away. The church's simple grandure reaches and is almost reflected off of the dark blue sky. Looking ahead to the magnificent trees growing in the Stadtgarden brings tears to my eyes as I pray and walk into the embrace of this fortress of peace. The gravel under my feet is course and comfortable as I walk along the path in my paper-thin sandals. The golden light of the setting sun pours through the leaves and rests on the tall, soft grass. Stopping in the middle I look around at what God has created and I am at ease with the knowledge that I am a part of it, a part of creation. I cling to that moment, that moment of climactic joy. A sudden sorrow does hit me as I realize that my last time at Stadtgarden has come but my prayer for God's presence there will linger in the gravel and the grass and the leaves until those same things are my blanket as I rest near that tree whose leaves reflect the golden light of the setting Son.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


so i have time to think more now that ive created time for myself to think so i thought i could post some of those things here for your viewing pleasure.