Monday, August 13, 2007


Remembering walking down that stone-paved street next to the old church takes my breath away. The church's simple grandure reaches and is almost reflected off of the dark blue sky. Looking ahead to the magnificent trees growing in the Stadtgarden brings tears to my eyes as I pray and walk into the embrace of this fortress of peace. The gravel under my feet is course and comfortable as I walk along the path in my paper-thin sandals. The golden light of the setting sun pours through the leaves and rests on the tall, soft grass. Stopping in the middle I look around at what God has created and I am at ease with the knowledge that I am a part of it, a part of creation. I cling to that moment, that moment of climactic joy. A sudden sorrow does hit me as I realize that my last time at Stadtgarden has come but my prayer for God's presence there will linger in the gravel and the grass and the leaves until those same things are my blanket as I rest near that tree whose leaves reflect the golden light of the setting Son.


Lara said...

lame? as if by lame you mean extremely freaking l'amazing (ha that was good, huh?).. then yes. you are correct. lately my heart has been grieving over souls that i had met previously on this very land. It's cool to see ancient work in progress, through you guys. I'm learning and have been learning something huge-- to move on from the past... the good and the bad. to take lessons learned and yes, apply them to this moment, but to also take grasp of this moment as well. It's such a hard lesson, and one i think i'll continually be challenged in. you're a genius landon. and so is your verbal pathway.


Lara said...

and after i posted this i remembered that we already had a conversation about that very thing in arena grill. i'm a bright one, they say.