Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My Own Hand In My Face

Where did it go? I had it and now its gone. I want it back so bad. My heart hurts for it. I crave it but i find you not persuing it. Why are you just standing still? This bubble you're in makes it hard to breathe. Get out of there! I want it badly, dont you see?!! Get your hand out of you face and look! There is much, much more to see than what you are looking at. Can you not feel its presence? Its right here but you just close your ears and pluck out your eyes daily. DAILY. And it hurts. And you know it hurts. Quit numbing yourself. You aren't invincible but you aren't just some no one either. You matter, even though you sometimes dont feel like you do. Concentrate on what you can do now. Stop waisting time...the time you have been given. You are blessed. I know that because I blessed you. So give it to me...i want it back. I want back your passion and love and concern for my glory being known. I want you to remember who you are. Who you are. WHO YOU REALLY ARE. Be you for me. Simple. Not Easy. But it can be done. I know because I've been there. So take heart and know that you are you for me and my Glory. You are loved. So love because you mean it. Care again. its all waiting for you just have to take it and run for it. Straight to me. And ill be there. All the way. Right to the end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.