Friday, January 11, 2008


I will continue on with a similar thought from Linley Jones.

Forgiveness, in certain circumstances, does not involve a "Man A" and a "Man B". In many scenarios there is but one party, and that is YOU and YOURSELF. Forgiving oneself is a difficult thing to do. There is no one else that knows your innermost thoughts but you and Father so it becomes rather hard to relay to yourself what needs to happen within yourself. It is difficult for one to put oneself outside of the body and see the true crisis going on inside.

So stop. Think. What is making you unable to look into the mirror? What is making your heart feel this way?

Once one finds out what the plague is, the only way to end the battle within is to let God forgive you. Let Father forgive you. Ask Him. Ask Him passionately. Only then will you be able to forgive your own self.

If HE takes it then you dont have it anymore, do you? So give it and be free. Please.

For your own sake, for ours, let your heart be clean again.

We are dirty, perverted thieves without it. I want a clean garment.

I pray that were released from our self-inflicted suffering. we lift our broken and filthy hands to be cleansed. I know we dont deserve it, but please, forgive us. We are wrong without your presence. Your love. Clean us, Father, our skin is black with earth. Free us from captivity. Us Israel. You YAHWEH.
In your sons name,

His son.

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